So we like the winning formula of:
Quest to dungeon.
Get the special item
Beat the dungeonmaster.
Which did we like best? The butt three in the first world, seven dungeons (7 wasn't it?) in the second / dark world?
Or did we like to have four directions and four dungeons like Majora's mask?
When does this quest take place in time? Is it related to another Zelda game? Would this influence the landscape of Hyrule? Does it explain where some items or people come from? I was stoked on the minish cap, where you get your green hat... good stuff.
Do we want to have two worlds? If so...
A different destiny of Hyrule, like ALttP or OoT?
The same place, but different, like Oracle of Seasons / Ages?
We don't need to stick with the exact numbers of dungeons, but I always liked the symbolical numbers and and other things. We just need to have some goal or another.
Wouldn't the number of slots in the items screen give us an amount of dungeons to aim for? (There are exceptions of course, like the lamp in ALttP, you get that at home, not in a dungeon.)
Do we have a single subsreen, or do we have the option to switch between usable items and quest status (and map), like for example Ocarina of Time or the Oracle games?
Quest to dungeon.
Get the special item
Beat the dungeonmaster.
Which did we like best? The butt three in the first world, seven dungeons (7 wasn't it?) in the second / dark world?
Or did we like to have four directions and four dungeons like Majora's mask?
When does this quest take place in time? Is it related to another Zelda game? Would this influence the landscape of Hyrule? Does it explain where some items or people come from? I was stoked on the minish cap, where you get your green hat... good stuff.
Do we want to have two worlds? If so...
A different destiny of Hyrule, like ALttP or OoT?
The same place, but different, like Oracle of Seasons / Ages?
We don't need to stick with the exact numbers of dungeons, but I always liked the symbolical numbers and and other things. We just need to have some goal or another.
Wouldn't the number of slots in the items screen give us an amount of dungeons to aim for? (There are exceptions of course, like the lamp in ALttP, you get that at home, not in a dungeon.)
Do we have a single subsreen, or do we have the option to switch between usable items and quest status (and map), like for example Ocarina of Time or the Oracle games?