Project State: Alpha (paused)

Zelda online is a Online PC Fan Game that is based on the Legend of Zelda Series, mainly around the theme of Link to the past It is not a MMORPG, it is a game in which people create Servers and others join them, much like modern gaming consoles use. No longer do you have to go on quests alone, now you can team up with friends to aid threw battle. There is a whole new story line with new quests, dungeons and puzzles.


Windows XP or newer
Broadband Internet
Decent computer that can handle 2d
Lan-Games tested and works
Server Only:
If Behind Router: Port-Forwarding
(Port forward or LAN will not be required in future versions)


Want to join the project?

Ever wanted to part of making a Video-Game? Now you can! We are currently looking for people who have ideas for Zelda Dungeons. We just want your ideas? No. Instead we have released an internal tool called Dark Dungeon Designer. This will allow you to make Dungeons including the following: Map, Layout, Rooms, Items, Enemys, Puzzles, Items and Bosses. After making a Dungeon email it (The folder with Files) to If we feel it goes well with the game we will add it Zelda Online and add you to the credits! Be sure to include in the e-mail how you would like to be credited. Located in the Download Section

Programming Details

This game was made using The Game Maker 7 available at It was programmed in the Game Maker Langauge. The code contains a custom tile-map engine, collision system, online-play system utalizing DirectX's Direct play. The project contains about 40 files of GML, each file being about 100 lines. This game does contain (c) material from Nintendo (Sprites, Music, Sound Effects) and I do not claim to have made these, however the programming was done 100% from the ground up by Dark Square. The reason for including these (c) materials was; since this was a Legend of Zelda Link to the Past Fan game for Pc, it would not of worked without them.